About WhichMIS?

Choosing a Management Information System is a critical decision for schools.

However, keeping abreast of all the changes in such a rapidly moving industry can be a bit like entering a minefield.   As well as considerable recent consolidation, the industry has also been witnessing a dramatic market share shift, not to mention a number of new market entrants.

WhichMIS? is a free online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry. It aims to present a balanced view of the MIS landscape in the UK, with views from all the key market players, as well as reviews, the latest news and expert commentary.

WhichMIS? will ensure you are kept up-to-date with the latest information to ensure that when you are in the market to change, you are armed with the crucial information to make a fully informed purchasing decision.  Subscription will ensure you receive the latest news and information as soon as it becomes available.