Whilst we have been really pleased to see the growth in visitors to the site and the multitude of likes etc. on our various social media posts, it is also great to be noticed by others within the industry.
Over recent weeks WhichMIS has been mentioned in blogs and posts by several of our noteworthy industry insiders, however, the most surprising of all to us was that WhichMIS even got a mention in an article in Private Eye magazine – not a publication that we instantly think of in terms of educational content:

Whilst press coverage is always good to see, having acknowledgements from industry insiders that are known for their informative and knowledgeable insights is even more important to us. Over recent weeks WhichMIS has been mentioned by several of our esteemed colleagues, including:
Al Kingsley mentioning us in one of his weekly ‘Al’s Edu Recommends’ (which we, in turn highly recommend to all our followers too).

Joshua Perry mentioning WhichMIS in his famous ‘Bringmoredata’ blog, a valuable source of information on the UK MIS market.
Chris Toyne giving us a shout out in his recent LinkedIn post ‘Ed & Tech Times’ when we posted data on the latest MIS stats.

SCOMIS mentioning us in their presentation to the recent ‘Bromcom at the Shard’ event where they launched their new ScoBI product & MIS Trends dashboard. https://mis-trends.info/main
Well, whilst we might not recognise Private Eye as an EdTech publication, two famous quotes spring to mind.
The first is from Phileas T Barnum who stated: “There’s no such thing as bad publicity”.
The second is Oscar Wilde’s version: “There’s only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about”.
Either way, thanks to everyone that has mentioned us in some way – we appreciate it and we hope to return the favour too!