Your MIS – in your own words
We invited all MIS providers to tell us about their system and which types of customers their product is best suited to.
We invited all MIS providers to tell us about their system and which types of customers their product is best suited to.
We asked all MIS providers to let us know of any product development areas they are investing in.
We asked the MIS providers to give us their view on how different they anticipated management information systems being by the year 2028…
We asked husband and wife team, Nick and Sarah Finnemore of Finnemore Consulting, to let us know their takeaways from 2022 – and what 2023 might have in store for us…
This article explores the issues involved and the decisions which need to be made by schools who are considering changing their management systems.
We have 17 MIS systems listed in our directory and almost all of them argue they offer a one-stop-shop solution that provides everything your school…
The education technology sector has seen significant consolidation over the past few years. One only needs to think of the likes of Iris, Community Brands, The Key or Juniper coming into the market like magpies, collecting a number of shiny EdTech businesses in a relatively short period of time.
Learning Ruling Provides Important Lessons for Contracting Authorities and Suppliers. In May 2020, Bromcom took legal action against United Learning, claiming that the largest Multi Academy Trust in England …
Late in 2022, RM plc announced that it intended to sell its MIS business, RM Integris, plus its financial management platform – RM Finance, to The Key Support Services for up to £16 million in cash…
Phil Neal, the original creator of SIMS, reminisces about the product’s origins and some of the challenges he was faced with along the way…
WhichMIS? is an online publication for schools, multi-academy trusts and the wider education industry.
It aims to present a balanced view of the MIS landscape in the UK, with views from all the key market players, as well as reviews, the latest news and expert commentary.
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Discovery, Specification, Procurement and Implementation; our team of MIS procurement experts can manage all these phases for your school or MAT. Discover more at @SAA_Show when you book a free 1:1 no obligation chat. Book your meeting slot here: https://calendly.com/twp2023/whichmis-bett-2024?month=2024-11