MIS procurement services for schools and Multi Academy Trusts (MATs)

Procurement of a new Management Information System (MIS) is a significant undertaking for any school or Multi Academy Trust (MAT) and professional advice at every step of this journey is paramount. There are a multitude of considerations to be made – everything from ‘why the need for change’, through the functionality, training and support required for the new system and on to the budget and procurement issues.

The team at WhichMIS have all been involved in the educational technology sector for many years, both within technology providers but also as school governors and MAT Trustees. They are experienced in specification for new technology, procurement and project management as well as having successful tender and bid experience across a number of sectors.

We now provide services to schools and MATs who are considering a change of MIS – everything from helping to build a business case for change, through specifying exactly what you want from a new provider, training the evaluation team members, through to handling the entire procurement process for you and even on to managing the eventual roll-out of your new MIS.

We provide our MIS procurement services in four separate phases, so that Schools and MATs can select all or any part of our services as they wish.

Phase 1: Discovery

We would meet with all relevant stakeholders (SLT, Trust Board, Governors, Teaching Staff, IT Staff etc.) in order to gain their views on all matters relating to the MIS functionality and
culminating in producing a report to the school/MAT pulling all these views and requirements together, with recommendations for moving forwards.

Phase 2: Specification

Once the final decision has been made to move forwards with procuring a new MIS, based on the Phase 1 report, the next stage would be to create the final specification for the new MIS system, which should include functionality requirements, training needs, support levels desired etc.

Phase 3: Procurement

Managing the full procurement process, from agreeing the best procurement route, publishing the documents, organising demos, managing the scoring and moderation teams, minuting the meetings, handling questions from bidders and through to the final award and contracts,

Phase 4: Implementation

In this phase we would work alongside the school/MAT to manage the implementation of the new MIS across the school/MAT. This would include:
Liaison with the winning MIS provider, setting up and managing the implementation project team within the school/MAT, agreeing timescales for implementation, agreeing and managing the data transfers from the current to the new MIS, agreeing training provision and ensuring this is delivered as per the procurement agreement, ensuring the MIS support is in place and working according to the agreed service levels and agreeing final sign off of the overall implementation success.

To find out more, simply complete the form below and we will send you full details of the services we offer.

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