TimeTabler joins The Key Group

It has been announced today that TimeTabler has joined the MIS Division at The Key Group. The Key Group is home to a number of leading, school-focused software brands including Arbor, The Key, and GovernorHub.

James Weatherill, CEO of Arbor Education, said “I’m really pleased to welcome the schools, products and teams behind TimeTabler to The Key Group today.”

The full announcement from Arbor can be seen here.

On the TimeTabler website, the announcement was also welcomed with the words “We’re thrilled to announce that TimeTabler has joined the MIS Division at The Key Group. The Key Group is home to a number of leading, school-focused software brands including Arbor, The Key, and GovernorHub, and we know this will be a great new home for our community of schools.”

The full TimeTabler announcement can be seen here.

Both announcements talk of the investment needed to continue developing TimeTabler for the future as well as the fact that TimeTabler will continue to integrate with all the same MIS / SIS / Admin systems that it does currently.

Arbor have also confirmed that they will continue to integrate Arbor MIS with other third-party timetabling solutions as they ‘believe schools should be able to choose the timetabling solution they want.’

Our recent article on timetabling highlighted the crucial role that this plays in organising school schedules, ensuring that classes, teachers and resources are optimally allocated and we look forward to seeing how this new acquisition helps to provide ever-better timetabling solutions to the sector.

Image credit: TimeTabler website

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